Godzilla a Myth by Lycan_Jedi
Godzilla a myth by Lycan\_ Jedi Once there was a wicked King named Gojira. He was not always mean. For when he was a child he was considered to be a hero. He helped people without any thought otherwise. However one day an evil Warlock placed...
A Simple Dream
Last night I dreamed a simple dream, but it still has me crying. That you were laying by my bed, mere hours after dying. You looked at me and cocked your head, as though you couldn't see, just exactly how much your life meant to me. I watched you grow...
Tea Party at Freddy's
_Dear Crash Bandicoot, _ _As thanks for saving the world from the evil Dr. Cortex, You are cordially invited to a Tea Party in your honor at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria At 12 AM, October the 1st. Please dress in your best attire._ That's what the note...
Jedi Guard Ch2 WIP
Luke sat by a fire as the Lions tore into a wildebeest the Lionesses had brought back. Uru approached and placed a large chunk of meat in his lap. "Thanks." Luke said, grabbing a poker he'd made of a tree branch. He'd sharpened it throughout the day,...
Saphira's Heat Preview
Eragon and Saphira flew high above the ship they had set sail on nearly three months earlier. Eragon closed his eyes as the wind caressed his bare torso. He had had enough of getting his tunics wet while at sea and had decided to make the journey...
The Jedi Guard Preview
Luke sighed as the meeting continued. Two months had passed since the Emperor was defeated, and still the Empire continued it's death grip on the galaxy. Everyday had been the same. He'd sit and listen as The Rebel leaders would argue over their next...