Luka's Adventures: the star fox series

Luka's adventures: star fox series By Luka the Husky Hello everyone! I'm devildog115, or luka, and I am about to tell you a tale straight from the TARDIS, I travel to the Lylat system, where apparently I met a fun mercenary team named Star Fox, and...

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Card Wars Chapter 1

Card wars by Luka husky chapter 1: the end of everything.. Before wonderland was consumed with war, it was just a peaeful little world filled with magical creatures of unknown, and ruled by Alice, the white queen and the red queen, that is until the...

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From darkness to light ch 2: the domino effect

From darkness to light: chapter 2 The domino effect 'Why did I let him drag me into this?' I thought as both me and Jacob, my white fox boyfriend, walked to school. The warm air show's that summer is just around the corner; even in New York we can...

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from darkness to light, chapter 1: the fox and the husky

From darkness to light: chapter 1 By devildog115 (Luka de huskeh) Note from author: I did not go through this, my OC is acting as a main protagonist, emphasis on ACTING, enjoy my furries ;) Luka de huskeh I look over to the looming skyscrapers...

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