Why the crow cries
it's a pretty intense story, so just warning you before you read.\*\*\*\*So this is my first short story that I thought was really good or at least somewhat good, and it's not done yet I'm adding on as I go along. So give me your opinion, thanks. ...
"fallen fairy" Part 1
Little fairy, who fell from the heavens. With broken wings and shattered dreams as you lay, "My dear love do not give up" in tears i cryed letting the thirsty earth suck up your soul let it be known, your life was not wasted, your soul was not a...
forbidden love
My love, who was my futer you made me feel safe, and kept me out of harms way. You knew when to attack, protect, defend me, you were my extacy,my passion, ... my love. And they took you from me. You were always there to fall back on when I needed...