Why Did I Volunteer for This?
Why did I volunteer for this? It seemed like a good idea at the time, but... Everyday I wake up at exactly 5 a.m. I have to make my living quarters so clean you could bounce a quarter off the cot. Now personal hygiene top to bottom. If these...
Kari and Kyle *Dedication to me* Chapter 1
This is a story my friend Lunatic Phantasm wrote for me. He is an awesome writer and I'm so grateful to him for writing this epic story for me. I can't wait to read more and I love it already. I hope you enjoy this as much as my mate and I am. **I DID...
Wolves of Hope: Freedom Trails
I know this seriously sucks, but I wrote it in my senior year and it was my first story. The teacher also wanted it to be very specific on looks so I wasn't very creative when introducing things and all the characters are kind of similar and balnd in...
My Fox
Truth be told my fox is no fox at all. His paws run with the beat of a fox's pawsteps, While his hands are pale and hold me when I fall. The fox tail waves in pleasure when I return, When emeralds glow from un-foxlike eyes. Though his heart glows...
Forever and Always
If anyone has been wondering what's going on in my life the story below basically tells you all you need to know. It's as close to a true story as can be told when set in the world of Harry Potter. Art by Dakarai (I'm not allowed to post it here, but...