Dizzy Twister 1: The Alicorn

\*NOTE\* If you don't know the pony Dizzy Twister, I have 2 pics on my gallery, and if you go to deviant art, somebody there has several AMAZING Dizzy Twister pics. She was pulling the truck in Feeling Pinkie Keen. Dizzy Twister: The Alicorn...

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Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark

Dizzy Twister: A lunchbox and a Cutie Mark (a prequel to Dizzy Twister: The Alicorn) Written by: Colin Stewart -- Specopsfox This is a fan made fanfic. It is a clean story appropriate for all ages. Dizzy Twister, Grape Seed and Derpy Whooves...

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Dizzy Twister 3: A pegasus in Canterlot

"Yes sir" Dizzy grumbled to her boss. It had been three full days since that night she had meet the alicorn, Movie Colin Pro, or just Colin like he preferred. She felt downtrodden that he had not at least contacted her! She didn't know where he...

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Dizzy Twister 4: Moving in

Dizzy heard a light tapping sound. Her eyes felt heavy as they slowly opened and she recognized the sound as a knock on a door. Dizzy sat up and looked around the royal room. She was in a bed much much larger than her bed at home, the sheets and...

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Part 1: Raising Ruby

[-](%5C) * * * [Part 2: My Favorite](https://www.sofurry.com/view/110061) [Part 3: A Binding Love](https://www.sofurry.com/view/116496) [Part 4: We Are One](https://www.sofurry.com/view/121783) [Part 5:...

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A guide to understanding COC

This is a guide to help you, the important reader, better understand the Chronicles of Colin. Because it is to be an ongoing work that is ever expanding and is always being added to, it may be difficult to understand where in time the story is. Anytime...

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The Chronicles of Colin (CoC): A fox: Epilogue/teaiser

So, as we all know, there are other galaxies out there in the world, but weither life exists on these planets or not is unknown. I am Colin. My story begins on one of these planets far from earth, where i am currently writing this. I have...

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