Sentinel Side-Story: Best Forgotten
In the years before he had found Keris, Locke had lived a largely isolated life, never forging any connections and restricted from possessing any by his former master, Voyde. Finding Keris and bonding with her had changed that, and his later companion...
Second Chances: Reconnecting
A rising sun and a cool breeze bore down upon and through the canopy of Yavin 4's jungle, a cacophony of birds sounding from the branches. Unmolested by the fauna below, shielded from predators that might soar above, and miles away from the ancient...
Second Chances- Retrieval (Commission)
The Ebon Nest remained a region of space well-suited to hiding out from the rest of the galaxy, despite it being a region many knew about. Anomalies along its fringes disrupted accurate analyses of local star-charts, and several nebulae made hyperspace...
Star Wars: Right vs Easy (Commission)
"I've tracked down the slicer, Master. It's on Ord Thoden, in the Western Ward. She has called for help, but I can intercept. My team and I will move in on your orders." A pause, then a murmur of approval. "Good. Move in quickly, but quietly. The...