Hatake Chronicles:High School Chapter 1---First Day's Hell part 1
~August.26.-7:00 A.M~ ~Blair High School,Cleveland,OH~ Plenty of teenage furs are standing in the cold outside of Blair High School chatting,gossiping etc... but you'll focus on one...and this one is a wolf.This wolf is sitting on a bench right...
Tales of Colt Joe:Arrival
"Come on Mom,we're almost there!" "Don't rush me,I'm not as young as you Joseph." Two brown ponies,a mare and a colt,trot along eachother's side as they make their way down a pathway that's surrounded by a large amount of trees.The young colt pulls...
The Flame of Love chapter 1
He stands 8ft tall.230lbs of unoticeble muscle.He have the intent to slaughter their enemies in an instant.His tails is 3 ft long and a foot wide.He's a wolf with jet black fur,red on his muzzle and a stripe down his back and a red tail tip.His claws...
The Sleepover
A rainy night in the city of Eastopolis.Joseph Hatake is getting ready to have a sleepover with former bodyguards and friends,Krystal and Rena-mone.He is in the kitchen popping popcorn,making a snack bowl and brushing his teeth.Joseph was wearing a...
Tales of Colt Joe Chapter 2: Problems with Ponies
"Grr..not right now.." The brown colt groans as the sun peaks through the window,waking him from his slumber. "Meh..I could almost hate Celestia for rising the sun if I didn't need to wake up..." He said with tired tone.In no rush,the colt slowly got...