The Codex Chapter 11: Rebirth

The golden wings began to create a strong gust, the threesome getting in a defensive stance as response. Felicia raised her rapier up, the tip began to shine "It wants us to prove our might! We need to show him we are capable of taking judgment" she...

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The Codex Chapter 6: The seal

Two heavy blades clashed into each other, Darvo stood eye in eye with an almost identical clone, the pup had shifted himself with another Codex page. "How does it feel? To fight yourself?" The duplicate said, his grin visible while pushing his blade...

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The Codex Chapter 5: War of Celtia

Ages ago, mankind and beastkin lived in peace with one another, kingdoms ruled by multiple kings. There were no threats at the horizon and life was filled with peace and laughter. Events spread across the stretched landscapes during all four seasons. ...

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The Codex Chapter 4: Codex

The church doors closed, leaving the three males behind while the robed females had left with the Beastiary Codex. Jax unsheathed another gun to aim at both warriors who stood in place, knowing this was an opponent of great strength, just like their...

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The Codex Chapter 2: Ambush

The road to Hearthfort city was made from solid bricks. Scy and Darvo decided to abandon the quest to inform the mayor about the giant colossus they had fought. The Restorian emblem still bothered Scy a lot during the road. "Hey, you okay? You've...

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The Codex Chapter 1: The colossus

A story that began as art trade for my good friend Scythe (Kray-Xii/Glynn-Raines). I began to enjoy it so much that I kept on writing :3 * * * The lowering sun was giving Ethrena forest a peaceful look, the wildlife hurried back to their nests and...

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