South of the Summer : Part 1

The sudden bump of the plane jostled her awake, suddenly paranoid something terrible was about to go wrong. The view out of the small porthole window quickly calmed the sea otter's nerves though, nothing but the sea of ice below them. The view hadn't...

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Karis "Rikka", the EOD Mongrel Fera Arctous Keynari.

Karis, "Ricochet" or "Rikka" for short, is a Feral Keynari of the Arctous Variety, that served alongside Isiat as a service dog of the British armed forces. Originally assigned to explosive ordnance disposal crews of the REME regiments, he later found...

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Llijah Teng Cuu Biography

Llijah was born into the heart of the communist workhorse that was China in the late 1970's. As a young lad, his parents told him great stories of the world beyond the borders of their glorious homeland, of democracy and freedom, and all that good...


Isiat's Biography, or something like it.

Well, after looking Isiat's profile over, and realizing that it is disastrously out of date, I figured it was about time I posted up an up to date version of it for reference purposes. For reference, Isiat is a Arctous Keynari, a species of my own...

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Missing In Action - Chapter 1 : Shooting Hoops

Chapter 1 - Shooting Hoops U.S ARMY BASE - BASEPLATE CHARLIE (3rd Base) 20 Miles West of Baghdad, Iraq 0530 Hours (Local Time) The base was quite this particular morning. The only people out of their racks were an odd mix of officers,...

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Army Greens : Prologue

The sharp blow of the whistle snatched their attention quick enough, the mixxed lot of humans and anthro's piling off the buses that had parked in a long line at the training camp. It was the middle of Janurary, the begining of a new year. A thin layer...

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The Lord of the Manor - Glossary of Characters and Places

A Summary of major characters, locations, and the time period. This story is set in the early 1200's, during the time of the fifth and sixth crusades. The story itself is set in a hilly, woodland region of Europe, somewhere within the English...

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The Lord of the Manor - Chapter 2

Shadi's sleep until morning was... restless, to say the least, and the feeling of being watched gave her some strange nightmares of men in black coming to steal away her child, but each time they did, a white knight she knew to be Isiat came and drove...

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The Lord of the Manor - Chapter 1

Shadi had grown tired from the trip, but the cool air kept her head up and her mind sharp and fresh... Having something to do other than sit locked up in her bedroom was like to save her life, and feeling needed again was... more than she could...

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Chump Change

So anyway, I found this one lying about on the hard drive of my old PC I now use as a rental for gaming at the local LAN meets, figured I may as well post it. This was written in.... '07? If memory serves? Around there abouts anyway. Just a short tale...

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Missing In Action - Chapter 2 - And The Fox Would Trot

Chapter 2 - And The Fox Would Trot. Sadr City Outskirts Baghdad, Iraq 0710 Hours (Local Time) The thick black smoke column was now clearly visible, rising miles into the air. Hunter looked at the forms of people and anthros, going...

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Arvians - Grey & The First Hunt

Arvians - Grey & the First Hunt An Arvian Lore telling By Isiat Squire Carcer "Pay attention, coal-ears!" The momentary distraction of bird song was enough. Pain flared from the new fledge's shin, and just as quickly from the side of his...

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