Wiroch: The First Step

_Based on the works of_ http://fastolf.sofurry.com/ _Eternal Mortality_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the votes were held, Tiralin's official...

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Wiroch: Victorious

_Based on the works of_ http://fastolf.sofurry.com/ Eternal Mortality Chapter 1 End of a Nightmare The longer this war continued, the more the Scales realized that this war was to be their future. It was a defining moment in all of their...

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MLP: Thievery is Art

Introduction The night was approaching the later hours when the young colt walked into a tavern, so called the "Iron Yoke". His cloak covered his head and his flank carefully. He eyed the patrons as he made his way to the far booth with a cocky...

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Wiroch: Basic Info

_Information on Wiroch_ _Based on the works of_ [http://fastolf.sofurry.com/](http://fastolf.sofurry.com/) _Eternal Mortality_ _ **Known Species:** _ "We are the blood of Wiroch, not the body. We do not make up the entirety of our land. We...

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Wiroch: Day 1, Part 1

His alarm blared in the early morning silence, causing him to awake with a start. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and turned it off hurriedly. The room seemed so still at five in the morning. He stretched himself before rising from the comforting...

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Taste of Fire: Thoughts of Hatred

_Here I am, here I am at last._ _The world knows me well, yet they look to my surrogate without recognition. I march over them as they plea for their lives, but I will have no mercy on the prisons of my souls. They are trapped in their ignorant husks,...

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Taste of Fire: Nightmare and an offer

_There were humans in front of her. She was slightly taller than them which was odd for Teya, she was only three feet tall and the humans usually topped out at six feet tall. The humans were speaking to her, she couldn't hear what they were saying at...

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MLP: Magic is Essential

The crowd was holding it's breath as Prestige gathered his courage. He was attempting a new spell that would allow him to be resistant to fire. He could already feel the heat of the inferno before him on the stage. This would work, it simply had to! He...

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Wiroch: Accepted Course

Based on the works of http://fastolf.sofurry.com/ Eternal Mortality ----------------------------------------------------- "C'mon Eli! We're gonna be late!" Hlara teased as she skipped ahead of him. By now Elijah was in his final years of high...

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Wiroch: Genesis

[Fastolf](http://beta.sofurry.com/edit/%5C) Nations of this world: [http://www.sofurry.com/page/285999/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/285999/user) Map of this world: ...

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Taste of Fire: The Truth

A slight breeze blew through the forest as Qagan and Teya worked their way by the cliff to the east. Qagans plan was to keep heading east until the cliff sank low enough before they could start heading north to the crater. If they traveled quickly they...

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Taste of Fire: Cliff of Wrath

The sky was beginning to grow dark and the forest once again resumed it's normal workings. A Lucario carrying a bandaged Charmander could be seen, headed north to the Cliff of Wrath. It has been about four hours since Qagan finished with the poachers...

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