
She wondered if she would ever see the stars again. The rain pattered on the sides of the train car as it rattled along the track. The fluorescent glare in the car was blanketed by darkness as it moved into a tunnel. The car raced above ground, and...

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The stillness of the rainforest was broken by a rush of wind and a clap of thunder, breaking the sound barrier. Startled from her sleep, she snuck over, watching the arrival of an unusual visitor to her home from her hiding place. He was in a...

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The loud explosion jarred him awake and nearly out of his tent. He fumbled for his lenses, shouldered his khaki shirt, and furtively peered out his tent, his ears pricked for the slightest sound. The hillside collapsed, the earth slumped inward and...

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Moongaze glumly sat, her chin in her paws, her eyes glazing over at the computer screen. The deadline for her paper was on the horizon, but all she wanted was to explore the horizon. She wanted to be swept off her feet on a grand adventure. She wanted...

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A pair of broad nostrils widened, huffing loudly. The beak that contained the nostrils opened wide, shearing off what little vegetation existed near the oasis. The _Protoceratops_had wandered far from her herd on the outskirts of the desert, trying to...

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Moongaze was curled up in front of her TV, absentmindedly flipping through the channels. _Ugh, nothing's on, as usual..._ A flash of a black cape, the crescendo of the violins, the rapid pace of the Spanish guitar and the dramatic pause of a masked...

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Shattered Femur

The lion lay in the dirt, his beautiful blonde mane pressed into the earth, his sweat soaking through his khaki shirt and shorts. He knew losing so much water would be a sign of severe dehydration--the camp's water was already running low, and he knew...

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