Gold Lightning Series Two… Part Two
Gold and Black wake up in the early afternoon after have fun all night. They go to check on the garden, and find some black berries growing by the garden. So they extend the garden walls to that bush. After they get concret slabs out they go for lunch....
Gold Lightning Series 2…Part One
Gold is out look for food with his boyfriend Black Lightning. They want to harvest some seeds to make a garden for Gold. They have apple trees and banana trees. They find grapes and raspberries. When thu return home they plant them. After that they eat...
Ridixin…Part Two
I run to find a mate. Then I see him. He is so cute. I think he knows I am staring becauseHe waves me over. I hesitate, but I do and we get to know each other. I learn and find out he is like me. He wants to start a pack too as the one giving birth. I...
Ridixin…Part One
wake up from my slumber. Stretching, I realize that today is the big day. I have grown from puppyhood to wolfhood, and I am old enough to go and establish my own pack if I want to. I have the option to stay with the pack, and establish a family, but I...
Gold Lightning…Part 8
After I gat Black Lightning out of the vines he looks a little lust crazed. I snap my fingers and nothih happens. SocI do what any sane person does, shake him. I say snap out of it and he does not. Next thing I know Plant Man, a villain steps out from...
Gold Lightning…Part 7
LustLord is a very special friend and not just as a villain. I know him as a hero too. Now you may be wondering who LustLord is right? Well he is a friend of Black Lightnings and mine who loves Lust and controls it hence the name LustLord. And all he...
Gold Lightnig…Part 6
So me and Black Lightning are hero friends but in our human forms we are gay and we try to help the other out when they re down and we call our villian friend LustLord. He is one of our gay friends and we get his help When we are in need of some...
Gold Lightning…Part 5
So Black Lightning finally got off the computer by 3am so I could check on the town. And there was something wrong in the east part of the town. I told Black lightning and he said "Well let's go and see what is wrong." I said "Ok that is not s bad...
Gold Lightning…Part Four
I am going to my secret lair at midnight one morning, and find it more clean than I had left it. So I had my power ready to throw at someone, and found of it was my best hero friend. He said that it could use some cleaning so he he cleaned. If you are...
Gold Lightning…Part Three
I am not in elementary school anymore so that is something good. I am on a winter break right now from middle school. I am not in a good spot right now though. I am not allowed to use my powers of break or I will be exspelled and my mom and dad are...
Gold Lightning…Part Two
I know that I should not be mad but I am! You might be wondering why I say that it is because I have to not use my powers during school. I love to learn but I hate not getting to use my powers. They say to keep the other kids safe, but I say because...
Gold Lightning…Part One
My name is Gold Lightning! I got the name from my dad who said that when I stepped into a room it would look like I had a gold shield or something like that around me and I lit the room! He also said that lightning had hit me as a baby and I gained the...