Lost Memories: Chapter 4: Knightlocked

As we entered the castle courtyard, multiple tents were lined along the whole area. What once was a beautiful garden is now a place of grief and death. The tents were full with furs grieving over their departed family members and friends. The bodies of...

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Suddenly get a feeling that Something should be there But in the end Isn't there You could have Done something Or your efforts Just weren't good enough But whatever happens Happens That's life Things happen Whether good or...

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Long Distance Wish

Flying It seems So easy Such a sweet Dream it must be Being together Loving arms Sweet eyes His graceful touch Oh what a pleasure That would be To be there Although We are separated By time and space We shall...

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Aye, Love Its bells echo all throughout In the nigh or in the far At great heights or deep depths It knows no boundaries The repetitive chimes and tolls Resonate through my whole Like an earthquake that shakes The world to the very core It...

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Lost Memories: Chapter 3: Through the Night

We have travelled for several hours now. Evening was fast approaching; the sun was already halfway down. The orange light was streaming through the gaps of the trees. Anders and I were drenched in sweat but Arty seemed perfectly fine. "How long 'till...

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Lost Memories: Chapter 2: Starting at Sunrise

As I woke up, I noticed that I was lying down in a nicely made tent. There was a small fire blazing just outside it. Anders was snoring beside me. My heart did a somersault in my chest; honestly, it was the cutest thing I ever saw. The way he sticks...

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Lost Memories: Chapter 1: Through the Ashes

I awoke under the shade of a tree somewhere in the forest. The sun was high up in the sky, I was guessing that it was midday. For some reason, my head hurt severely and I can't remember anything, except for my name that is. I noticed my orange fur had...

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