Chapter 6 The needs of the one

The needs of the one Ylva licks the pups face. The youngling seems well fleshed and her pelt what she can see through the clothing and wet seems healthy enough. "Up little one you need to start moving and get this off." The wolf pulls at the...

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Chapter 5 The meeting of worlds

Two worlds meet at last There is no such thing as one hungry wolf in a pack. Ylva looks around the familiar forms and she can see a leanness in them all. Most worryingly in the half grown pups, their fur lacks the lustre it should...

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Chapter 4 Descisions in the dark

Chapter 4 Decisions in the darkness In his dreams it is cold, so cold and black. The blackness won't let him go, the cold hurts so much. Becca, its Becca she is in the dark ............ James heard the whimpering cry come from the nursery....

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Chapter 3 Ylva dreams

Chapter 3 Ylva dreams. It has been a good day. She has taken prey large enough to keep her pains at bay. A snowshoe hare had come to drink. This year's young, as close to full grown as makes no difference but lacking the wiles to avoid a...

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Chapter 2 Rebecca White Tail

Chapter 2 Rebecca White Tail A small figure creeps out into the night. She is a small Wolfen about 11, half grown at best. Her figure is hidden by her windcheater that looks far too thin for the snow and ice around. Her little face is framed by a...

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Ylva a feral's tale

Ylva a feral tale Chapter 1 The Passing time The Fenris call this the passing time. The time between life and death. Not all wolves have the luxury of this time. Many are taken swiftly by fever or by the hardships of hunger, femmes lost...

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