PAE - Rape City Background

Rape City. What a place to see. Where girls, kidnapped from other cities, are brought to live out their lives as sex slaves. Where families can be torn apart as fathers and brothers sell their mothers, sisters, daughters into the lives of sexual...

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PAE - Incest City Background

Well, ya'll know what incest is right? You ought to in this world, cause if you happen across this city or any of its mercenary gangs, you'll find out real quick... Incest City is built around the belief that the family that plays together, stays...

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Post Apocalyptic Earth Background

Earth....2500.... Some say it passed it's prime centuries ago... some say that the human race was already failing before we threw ourselves down the proverbial crap-chute headfirst. Who am I, you ask? Oh.... I'm the chronicler... no, I won't tell...

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The Sorcerer And The Fighter: Ch.1 The Meeting

_Notice: This story is an ongoing role-play I have with a friend of mine. It starts off with no Yiff, but don't worry, Yiff-lovers. It does happen ^^. Characters copyrighted to their respective owners (MoonSilver to Champagne, 2008. Dominic to Dante,...

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