Flamefeathers - Becoming a Warden
She was alarmed at how quickly she had gotten through the mourning for her friend in Medinah. She'd thought she would still have the weight of his life pressing down on her shoulders when she arrived to the Doujin. After a week of travelling on foot,...
Flamefeathers - Ambush
She'd had to walk the better part of the day to get back to Medinah from the small village she'd emerged in. But she'd made it, and she was totally dry by the time she came through the sandstone walls! She wandered through the bustling midday streets...
Flamefeathers - The Scepter
When she had been told rumors of the talisman pointed to the Abrinin desert, Alcmene never thought she would actually spend most of the search rubbing her arms to stay warm. She had dressed for the arid desert sun, after all. Her usual flowing gown had...
MOTC Prologue - WIP
Prologue Maybe death would have been preferable. It seemed the best course when every alternative offered more suffering than the last. Or maybe I chose to ignore the silver lining around the storm clouds broiling. In story books, there is a prophecy...