
Daniel Yote made a funny face as his boot squished down in a good four inches of mud. _I just bought these._ He muttered to himself. The mud wasn't the worst part though, a constant rain drizzled from the heavens above, soaking the Gore-Tex jacket he...

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I'll Be Ok

The coyote awoke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, sweat beading off his brow. Breathing heavily, he took a look at his surroundings. After his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he saw that he was in his bedroom. His eyes darted about, his...

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Character Data: Daniel D. Yote

COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT CANINE STATES DIRECTORATE FOR INTERNAL AND DOMESTIC SECURITY CITIZEN DATA Name: Daniel D. Yote Species: Mountain Coyote (canis latrans lestes) Ethnicity: Latranian Profession: Military contractor Age: 32 Zodiac Sign:...

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City of Heroes Pt I

The sun had set hours ago; bathing the city in darkness, save for the artificial glow from the many streetlights that dotted the urban landscape. A majority of Anejo's residents had gone to sleep hours ago, but there were a few who used the darkness...

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The Rescue

\*\*\*Again, formatting got messed up, for some reason when I convert from PDF's it doesn't translate well. \*shrugs\* Anyway, have another one.\*\*\* IN THE SKIES ABOVE FIREBIRD, REPUBLIC OF NAVAJO 2326 HRS The ancient C-130 cargo plane buffeted...

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