Fates of the Ferals: The Carver Cubs
Okay, surprisingly enough, you have stumbled upon one of the scarce handful of genuinely "clean" stories on SoFurry, formerly known as YiffStar. This is kind of weird for me because my usual run of tastes would probably turn your hair white and curdle...
Fates of the Ferals: Three Ring Circus
Three Ring Circus Mitch and his brother were out in the yard playing with a frisbee. Mitchell was clad in a stained and limp, somewhat undersized white t-shirt and a pair of sky-blue, nylon running shorts. Like nearly all of his clothing, the...
Fates of the Ferals: Longing
Longing Pavement rumbled beneath a pair of bare, digitigrade feet. A pair of gray camo combat pants and a loose-fitting t-shirt flapped in the wind as the longboard picked up momentum on a sudden downslope. As a patch of unpaved walk appeared...
Fates of the Ferals: An Odd Request
An Odd Request "No," Mitch said flatly, turning to walk back down the promontery. "But Mitch, you promised!" Michelle whined. Michelle was quite large for a queen, broad in the shoulder and extremely chesty underneath a cream-peach,...
Fates of the Ferals: Frustration and Revelations
Frustration and Revelations For three days, Mitch had been going through the male version of "being on the rag." There was no actual pleasure in it, just an intense need to feel clean that he could alleviate for brief periods spent in bed, in the...
Fates of the Ferals: The Fox
The Fox Jacob's "place" was actually a decrepit motor home located in the back yard of an unoccupied residence. They had not actually entered the premises from the road on which its address would have been, but they had actually entered through a...
Fates of the Ferals: The Long Jaunt
The Long Jaunt By "cutting straight through," Mitch was referring to the self-same park by which they had entered Jacob's premises. By foot, it would be a straight shot through the park to get near the beaches, thanks to a defunct railway. While...
Fates of the Ferals: The Fall
The Fall Dr. Kay was a stoat who seemed to be exercising some extreme form of depillation, for his entire body was completely without fur except where it had started to slowly grow back. On any other species, it might have looked amusing. However,...
Fates of the Ferals: Madness
Madness Gertrude Weaver was solidly but compactly built, old queen. She typically wore a black coat over a blue or white blouse, depending on the occasion, and around her legs hung either black slacks or a severe, black skirt cut from a stiff...