Golgo 13 and reincarnation

Companion article to: Les Animaux Confeiture I argue that cake is made from the flesh of forest creatures, as evidenced by the totally true companion story. My real name is Sam Dorper and I have been turned into cake and eaten many...

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Les Animaux Confeiture finale

As if the last hour, two maybe three hours had passed Nikkei by, he found himself being marched down hallway after hallway in totally unfamiliar territory, the walls gleaming with frosting and lit by...

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Les Animaux Confeiture part two

The hands of an opossum are not developed enough bake a cake, but a goodly mix of confusion, two teaspoons of pain, a cup of drowsiness and a healthy pinch of anger led our hero to wonder just why...

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Les Animaux Confeiture

Les Animaux Confeiture The sun had settled once again, and most of the creatures inhabiting Paris park were preparing to do the same, another long summer day ending, dashing its brilliance across...

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frame relationships

Theoren Glacken Mr. Hoffman Sociology 8 16 December 2010 Self-esteem and the Modern Marriage The biggest reason most marriages fail is because one or both of the partners are not...
