
## Starborne Bluish Gecko 18.09.2018 ## Chapter 1 Alone In space, no one can hear you scream. * * * Tagline from the movie "Alien" Drifting alone through the nameless void in a timeless slumber. Dreams taking hazy shapes only to dissolve in...

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Past me, the Present: Jump!

The Harmony. Bitter-sweet song of the Quantum Dream - its alluring symphony calls out ... will call out ... to ship and navigator alike once the Compound will flow ... hasflown. The Voidsingers of Old, Gods amongst Man, have been ... will have been...


Starborne - Trial by Fire: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

## Chapter 3 Trial By Fire ### 3.1 Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Weightlessness could be a cozy feeling, if it wasn't for the headache that has accompanied every single of the three times I have come back to my senses on board of the Phoenix. As it is,...

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Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Into the Light

### 2.2 Into the Light The fusion reactor's final death struggle has begun. From what my diagnostic aspects can discern, the reactor's fusion process is about to enter the iron peak. Once it does, it will only be a matter of hours before the core goes...

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Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark

## Chapter 2 Adrift in a Sea of Stars Per aspera ad astra. * * * Through hardship to the stars. ### 2.1 Out of the Dark For an artificial mind that measures passing moments in nanosecond increments, running out of time is a bitter-sweet irony....

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Starborne: New Beginnings - Swan Song

### 3.3 Swan Song "CASSIE?" No reply. The NeuraLink is working all right: The ship's ubiquituous data streams are flowing as they always do, all systems reporting in nominally. Your autonomous aspects - the ship's subconscious, if you will - are all...

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Starborne: New Beginnings - Sentio, Ergo Sum

## Chapter 4 New Beginnings Sentio, ergo sum. * * * I feel, therefore I am. ### 4.1 Sentio, ergo sum "CASSIE - the p... pack? The ship... Phoenix?" "The crew - alive and unharmed. The ship is safe - Captain. We... you savedus." The last words I...

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Hunter of Mad Kings: From Beyond the Grave

Shaking hands - their skin long since wrinkled, having carried the burdens of age so long that youth has become a distant memory - hold on to a thick bundle of notepaper, the linen-white sheets covered with immaculate lines of handwriting. The cover...

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Aurora Borealis

31st of December, 23:53 - when the city that never sleeps is also the city where nobody sleeps. With another year about to end and the next about to begin New York is filled with expectant joy. Another year I have no paw digits left to count since I've...

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Iridescent

### 2.4 Iridescent "... an Iridiscent." With another sudden ˜ jolt, what was nothing but an endless stream of indecipherable ... images, impressions, experiences conveyed by a way of sensing ... perception, understanding ... becomes comprehensible....

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Final Countdown

### 2.5 Final Countdown A deep gasp, eyes flying open - I'm back in the real world! It quickly turns out circumstances are no better than in the Iridescent's dream-like reality: The first breath I take back in my real body falls short to provide more...

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