The Wolf Pack
Trending the waters Leaving no trace Waiting soundlessly in the darkness Licking their chops Waiting for their alpha's expertise Congregating plotting scheming Howls set off The hunt began The prey unaware of its cruel fate The struck...
A paw print left behind Influence, Ability, Strength A hunt for aspiration and conviction A tussle, a competition, a battle Colourless world Armed with a mere pad in hand Bringing fortune back from grey Love of bonds A fantasy conveyed on...
Poem- Love
Love is an endless search of one another Searching for love in blind faith Once it's found it you question its presence Is it true love or just a hallucination? A fictitious feeling built up by your own sentiment? Or is it an endless romance of...
A Task
A task, a duty, a responsibility. Truth, Morality and Logic Supremacy enriched by agony Law is your existence Fact and fiction are never in black and white Existence and demise can never be pure and humble Instinct consuming Logic Blood lust...