Flash Sentry Is Not a Hero
I glanced around the perimeter but detected no imminent threats. Even though the coast seemed clear, I knew danger could be lurking from any corner of the reception hall and even from outside of the imperial palace. Part of me would welcome the...
Forget Love
Apples. I remember there were so many apples. The topless train cart was full of them, and I lay on the crest of the pile. My body was filled with scratches. Chest hurt. I felt angry and sad at the same time. I must had been in a fight, yet I...
[MLP: FIM] Princess of Friendship
# My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction. # Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End "I don't think this is a good idea, Twilight," Spike commented from his spot on the alicorn's back. Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. "But it'll save us...
I Ain't Your Sacrifice
"No! Please, I beg you! I'll do anything, just don't--" Silence. Another filly sacrificed. I've stopped counting them a while ago. My attention was better spent on the prison door. Being trapped inside, I couldn't help the foals, but I was sure...