A Familiar's Tale

**-=A Familiar's Tale=-** **-Chapter 1** - **L** ong, long ago, in the time of stories, there lived a noble warrior. He came from simple stock, the son of a peasant mother and father. He was an ordinary child, by most standards, but...

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Home in Lagrange (part 1)

**-=Home in Lagrange=-** **-Part 1-** **F** lint Hobten took in a deep breath of the cool morning air, stretching himself as he walked along the small, dirt road that led from his small home in the countryside to the hamlet where he worked, the...

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The Curtain of Stars (a Tale of Furry Spaceflight)

**-The Curtain of Stars-** **F** lint Hobten clipped on his helmet, glancing down at his instruments to perform a final systems check. "This is Commander Hobten. Fuel mix is go. Engine temp is go. Power is go. Life support is go. Computer..." The...
