where i came from chapter 1 (beach landing)

seeing as this is my first story please offer any advice you may have about this. this story takes place during WW2 at the battle of Okinawa. The persons depicted here are obviously fake. And any reference to persons living or dead is coincidental....

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where i came from part 3

"The rain... the never ending rain filling the sky, flooding the earth, and making the day miserable for Aiel. He walked down the Grey streets, cold and alone." "And hungry... wait why the hell is my life being narrated?" "Aiel began talking to...

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insert title here

The clock tolled midnight. Its loud clang rolled through the town and surrounding hills like thunder, making the already dark and stormy night more creepy. He should have been asleep but here he was walking the streets with no destination no memory of...

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the cat...

The cat walks over my face at night. Her claws puncture my skin. Sometimes I shout out at night. The cat walks over my face at nigh. The cat walks over my face at night. Sometimes she settles down. Some nights I can not breathe at night. The cat...

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where i came from chapter 2 (caves suck)

"I say we go right." Said Cody. "I'm the one in charge and I say we go left." Was Andrews reply. After walking down the tunnel for a few hundred feet they discovered a room full soldiers standing around a table with a large map. there was a pause...

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black night

It was beautiful. The northern lights like fire in the sky, the snow being whipped through the trees by the wind, the breathing of her wolf next to her, his heat radiating out from him keeping her warmer then any coat could, the sudden calm as...

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