The Deadman

"the deadman" is a poetical piece i wrote years ago was my first attempt of bringing that spine chilling feel into my poetical works.

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 6 - The Bleeding Edge

"ah, well that would explain you nearly killing yourself performing the deadman." the archduke said, offhandedly. the pride vanished in an instant, replaced by another shallow graze of resentment.

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 1 Bridging Two Worlds

Suddenly i was jerked backwards by the deadman strap on my kevlar and from behind me, i heard...or rather felt the sound of a fully automatic shotgun started ringing out, tossing silver slugs into the beast ahead of me, its thunderous boom almost deafening

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 5 - Ring of Fire

After all, there were good reasons why it was called the 'deadman maneuver', not all of them immediately obvious.

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