Men of the Dragon’s Footplate

The Dragon hissed, disappearing into a cloud of steam. She creaked and groaned as her pistons drove her six great wheels into action. From the platform the early spotters watch large prairie "Dragon - No. 4115" awake for the days work with rhythmic...

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Mercurius Express — Chapter 2

As the conductor was beginning to do his rounds, Cross decided that he could do with a bit of unpacking while he waited for the conductor. The same thought seemed to had crossed over the colonel's mind as the panther was already opening one of his...

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Mercurius Express — Prologue

The villa of Colonel Achilles Graves was in an unusual state of uproar. At least a dozen members of the Anatolian police were spread around the villa's front porch with their automobiles parked all over the snow covered yard. The officers, thickly...

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Morning Walk in Warerfront Park (WIP)

The smoke cloud seemed to be almost like that of a steam train from in the past. ben got out his dslr as he began to take pictures of it driving down the street. ben had taken about 20 pictures of the m35 bobtail as it drove by.

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And see steam trains, and terran movies!" "well light within," indref exclaimed, "it would seem you know of terra very well!" "i do! i've always wanted to go! it's so strange, they ride in such strange craft, and count to.. tem?"

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The Law of Livestone

Only then did nevrus realise it odd that they were taking the model steam trains that ferried the guests about the park rather than the employee use maglev trains in the tunnels deep beneath them. not that clarence did anything that wasn't odd.

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Breaking the Mold - Ch 3

It looked like an old car, and sounded like a miniature steam train. it even had a little pipe coming up either side of the windscreen out of which the steam was chuffing.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 8 - The Desert Trail

A classical steam train, with cowcatcher front and coal-scuttle rear. james had never seen such a design before with his very eyes, as a childish enthusiasm arose within him. "holy shit that's a cool-ass train."

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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 2) Part 2

Randy: that's enough talk, steam train. come lady, give us a taste, love... tam-tam: \*realises what randy is doing.\* ummmm... p-p-p-percy?

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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 2) Part 1

Tam-tam: i think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, or the wrong wheel considering you're a steam train. all i wanted to say is, with goals as grand as yours. you might be in some need of help. and perhaps some... companionship.

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