A Story Never Told - Part 2 - Light among Shadows

\*\*\* Not too far away, in a small valley at the foot of a mountain, their dwelling lay nestled against the rock. The house was partially built into the stone, taking advantage of natural caves for storage. A staircase was carved into the rock,...

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Anthropia: The Back Story

The spirits of nature, long since forgotten as humans emerged into a culture ruled by science and technology, rather than spiritual guidance and mysticism, realized the true danger this species could pose to the natural order if they were permitted to flourish


The Lead Crown: Ch 8.1c, The Great Illusion

"truth be told, brother rhys, i did not have the foresight to realize just how far the duke's lust for power would take him, and my desire to travel to lehsunia under the pretext of spiritual guidance blinded me to seeing just how far he would go to

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The Anchor Holds

But showing a drive and a spiritual guidance ... that overcame any sense of terror and pity. any sense of lasting defeat. the mouse finished. saying, "i ... you know, the sky was so clear.

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Religion & Spirituality (Appendix Sample 3)

Konoth was a woodcutter and militia-fighter in a struggling village during the early years after the expulsion of raakaru, when one day elukus the blind seer and his wife, sophia, arrived to offer spiritual guidance to the people who lived there.

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 12

My sister poured a bucket of water on me the last time i did this whole spiritual guidance thing, and then i was wet in my dream for no reason at all." aither chuckles at the comment. "oh that's funny in more ways than one."

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 02

"achak may be incompetent when it comes to healing and medicines, but when it comes to things concerning the spirits and spiritual guidance there is no one wiser. you should listen to his words instead of look down on them."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 11

There were times during her moments when she offered spiritual guidance that she was bestowed with touch of enlightenment and felt that on her next answer depended the next course of action of whoever asked her for help.

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