Prologue: The current world the year is 2,234. The land witch human dominate is decorated in high tower structures with solar panel's scattered on top of them. Expect for some areas around the globe used for farming, lumber cutting and coal mining....
Novel, Slave, furry
# slaves we are not
## by:cainfox
prologue: the year is 2,234.
Clare, Death, Desperation, Explosion, Fight's, Fire, Love, Sara, Slaves we are not, Violence, War, leo, time, tom
I wonder if I can really even comprehend my part in this world anymore. I no longer wish to fight for there seems to be no hope. You cannot defeat something so immerse in power that you can't even comprehend and that to me is mankind. Not man itself...
War, begging, slaves
#4 of slave's we are not
lo siento si esto no es muy legible. español no es mi lengua materna.
no somos esclavos
**por dylan, chester**
prólogo: el año es 2.234.
El dolor, El odio, Guerra, Novela, amor, furry