James Scale is Red Dragon

Early on, he has put together a stage persona he calls 'red dragon.' he is now ready to unveil it to the world. (i know the thumbnail is not a good picture.) james scale's hand shook as he held the second contact lens over his eye.

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The Chronicles of Tokura The Shapeshifter: A ticklish encounter

Except it wasn't actually a crocodile since it then morphed into its true form which is a red dragon with yellow underbelly scales who stood on his hind legs, looking just like drago from bakugan.

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The Prisoner's Revenge (Sequel to The Prisoner's Punishment)

After serving his time in the dungeon, Pyro was finally free. Pyro is a gold dragon with white underbelly scales who stands on his hind legs and looks like a real dragon. Not too long ago he was released from the dungeon after having been tortured by...

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The Prisoner's Punishment

A golden dragon named Pyro has been thrown in the dungeon for reasons some don't know of. He is a golden dragon with white underbelly scales that stands on his hind legs, but looks very much like a real dragon if he were to stand on his fours. His feet...

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The Sylarium : Part 1

He tried to arch his head to see what the red dragon was doing, but the red dragon grabbed his neck. "are you deaf? i said, don't move!" the red dragon whispered forcefully. aravarys only whimpered in response.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 7

Cyril snapped terrador narrowed his maroon eyes on the red dragon " young one, are you certain they were purple dragons?"

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 2: Chance

Many times and she kept giving the red dragon powerful illusion of fear that it started to broke the red dragon. "if she keeps going, that red dragon will become a vegetable!" "avila, stop this instant!" exclaimed xiciro while approaching her.

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Dragon's Paladin: Epilogue

It was the same ship that the famous dragon slayer, arcturus lund, had set out on to hunt the red dragon that the gryphon found himself perusing as well.

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After the war: A rough journey

A large red dragon was stomring up to them and spyro instantly went on guard. but the red dragon was looking at him, he was looking at the green dragoness. "clear off terra! go! shoo!"

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 1)

The red dragon asked. "spyro" spyro answered, as he motioned the red dragon to follow him. "oh how rude of me, not to introduce myself" the red dragon said. "my name is hypter" hypter said.

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Shut The Full Cup

Zip edged to the side, trying to get to the opening in the back of the room - if the red dragon had come through it, then there must be a way out beyond it - but the red dragon just spread its wings wider to block him again.

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A Bad Day

The red dragon is crossed by spasms of pain. he can't get anymore, he feel that he will faint if he doesn't do something. after a minute shiron remove the fist form greedo's belly, after a last twist.

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