The Gift: Answers to Your Questions

**Q: Why does Kon get to break the 4th wall but none of the other spirits can?** As a Yokai, Kon is more than a Trickster spirit. He has some very particular and unique talents to 'work around' reality's guidelines. To coin a phrase: rules are made...


The Gift": A Primer on Spirits (Part 3)

The Gift A Primer on Spirits, Concluded _They say that good things are worth waiting for, which means that this last bit of introduction to the world of spirits is probably going to be the best one! That, and you get more Yokai!_ What Kon means to...

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The Gift, Richard's Story Line

Richard was selected to be the human protagonist for story line C. And now, with voting concluded, we can announce the cast: Human: Richard Spirit: Balam the Jaguar Spirit Spirit: Sabhàna the Wolf Spirit Spirit: Treboada the Wolf Spirit Spirit:...

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

The Gift Spirit Details part 3 of 3 Presented Alphabetically (by animal race) copyright 2018 comidacomida Anapa The Jackal Spirit Old Egyptian Spirit Guide Anapa was the name given to one of two great Egyptian Jackal Gods. While the Jackal Spirit...

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Writing Tips vol. 3

It's more interesting to hear a character talk/think about another character than to just describe that character to your reader directly. plus, it leads for so many other possibilities.

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