A Passage of Time

Tiny impacts of tiny paws upon Johnathan's tail stirred him from his slumber. Tiny voices lowered to a conspiratorial whisper tickled his ears and the words brought a familiar blend of exasperation and amusement into his slowly waking thoughts. "Blue...

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Stars of Time - What Has Been and What Will Be

" ( **_soundtrack:_** **passage of time - calm fantasy music, by emily - rollforfantasy, from youtube ** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhh5muf3xne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?

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Poem #53: Regret

_regret_ the passage of time has come at last the passage of time has passed us by i cannot hear it cannot see it yet the pain is still the same yet the pain remains and he wonders where is all the love?


Just Once: Side Stories: Albus's Dream

#13 of just once dreams can be really weird an interesting thing to note is that the passage of time in a dream is different from the passage of time in real life. it can be faster, or it can be slower.

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Lost love

The scene blurs as with the passage of time to reveal the same cabin a few months later with the kittens parents looking down at their child catching flying insect's at such a young age.

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of time you have stood you are the one whom i support you are the one who supports me in dark times when life flows like a rushing river you brighten the dark and calm the river distances both far and near times both new and old like a


07 Enchanted

Others, perhaps, held a grain of truth that had grown wildly with the passage of time. little thought is given to the enchantments of our modern age, though their effect is no less profound for those who fall under the spell.

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Alone Among The Monsters

of time, it has become immemorial, as all i see is the black abyss, but i am not alone, i am surrounded by the monsters, the vicious beasts of the wood, who lurk in the dark, they embrace me with clawed hands, i look back and see their smiles, glistening

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 5

And there he waited, unknowing of the passage of time and oblivious to the true workings of the world.

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Still Can't Hide: more FNaF lyrics

Note the passage of time during the song, a feature you will see in more detail in part three. safe room, safe room stay right here inside.



With the passage of time, the living managed to fall back, regroup, and eventually reclaim their city from the living dead.

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Rise and fall of a collector

They will survive me, they will... a legacy that will survive the passage of time, that will... tell the tale of my struggles, so, one day, someone else will take the helm of the grand quest that is collecting.

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