Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 2

A/N: I really need to thank Fauna Greywolf for helping me write this chapter because I was struggling to get it written early on. Thanks Fauna, I owe you. Also sorry for the long delay, I have no excuse but I finally force myself to finish this and...

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 5

For an instant he wasn't noble heart horse, founder of the care bear cousins, he was joel again, the little two-legged foal who had grown up on this farm what felt like so long ago.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 6

"when i first met noble heart horse, i was living under a tree. no seriously," he added as several of the family snickered at his declaration.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 4

"noble heart horse," joel's tummy glowed as well, revealing a multicolored heart with a tiny pink star in the middle. "sage heart bear," the blue bear's symbol was a heart made of multicolored rainbow dust.

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Finding Family Chapter 1

"i'm noble heart horse, their father... of sorts," he explained. "thank you for helping out swift heart. we didn't mean to startle you or invade your home." "we?" she questioned. this confirmed she hadn't gone too far...

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