Sakura Gets Sumosized
Though it looked no different to how she had seen it before, Sakura thought that Octo Canyon looked rather smaller, emptier, and less intimidating now that DJ Octavio was in custody where he belonged. She stood on a ridge overlooking the deep gash in...
My weight had shot up over the time between being given a longer sentence and getting the ruling overturned, and i was nearing immobility then too.
POV vore - you and a sea lion
The inward-pressing flesh is wrapped around you like a constricting snake, squeezing you into near immobility.
Loved For Your Own Weight
The two actually enjoyed his near-immobility, and the cougar often just spent whole days at a time cuddling into the big blob of a collie. lukas was more than happy to reciprocate with hugs and snuggles, the two blissfully content together.
Rising Above Petty Crime
Idly he noted that his stomach was audibly growling again despite having gorged himself last night to near immobility.