Moving Day

Todd dropped the heavy box of books he had been hefting on the second floor stair landing and mopped at his brow with his coral-colored bandana, stuffing in into his back right pocket when he was done. "Four story walk-up didn't seem like such a bad...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 108: Task And Purpose

Day 213 [august 9th] 10 am (moving day continued) "it certainly is a fixer upper." milton said to melinda looking at the city skyline. "but remember dear so was the lost city; it hadn't been inhabited for a while either."

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Interlude 11

Earth was in sight and now it was time to plot the next moves.


Acadia's Curse: Chapter 1

Chapter 1: moving day! "please don't go!" mitzi squeaked, wrapping her small body around my leg like a snake. i tired pulling her off but she continued to latch on and cry.


Preparing the Female Bandicoot-Chapter: The Rebirth of the Female Bandicoot

Under no time at all, right across from the patch of grass from which i stood, was a mighty ant hill, the worker ants pouring out of the top as if the queen had just made a royal decree that today was moving day.

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Ian and Tyson, Chapter 1

As the moving day drug on the four dragons were mostly unaware that their activities were being closely monitored by a hidden fur just beyond the edge of the forest.

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Final Preparations

Avory then turned to tsumé who had stopped firing, "it's moving day tomorrow, have you asked volcan, vinge and lighris if they were willing to help out?" she jerked slightly. "oh crap! i forgot all about it!"

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