With Tooth and Paw, Chapter 2

#2 of fates of war vedrit, just your ordinary rare-born male calico, but is caught up in war. can he make his nine lives last?


Calico Burana: ch.4 - A Tale of Two Pasts

"this is me, a male calico cat, with two x chromosomes and a y chromosome. but having three chromosomes doesn't just end up with this fur color...it also has an effect on his reproductivity."

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Calico Burana: ch.7 - Father

Especially considering how we not only have a new cousin, but a very rare male calico cat at that. i've seen a lot of cats before in my life, but i've yet to meet a male calico. it's like winning the genetic lottery!"

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4X+Y Chapter 01 - I'm Sorry (Part 1)

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls," the DJ's voice came through the speakers that hung from several points around the room; "I apologize, but _The Frog and Her Five Princes_ were unable to make it tonight." The audience murmured, some letting out...

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4X+Y Chapter 02 - Three Of Flowers

_So, there I was, little five-year-old Froggy, caught in the din of the big school lobby; with all the other quivering, home-sick Kindies, waiting to be herded to our safe, quiet classies._ _It was lonely, in a way. I only had two faces of which I...

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