
**"Spaces."** There's so much space between my prince and I. Why did he have to leave? Unable to look him in the eye. Heart in hand, shouting from my sleeve. "You must go to him!" "I can't he's much too far." "You must be with him!" "I can't...

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Long Distance Wish

Flying It seems So easy Such a sweet Dream it must be Being together Loving arms Sweet eyes His graceful touch Oh what a pleasure That would be To be there Although We are separated By time and space We shall...

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Feelings around the world

I have someone close, someone near my heart. Someone who's always with me, even though we are apart. Someone who makes me smile, who cares for me so that I find, Someone that's there for me, comforting me with her mind. When she came to me to...

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That Night in March

Should I try now? I thought. I ran my hand across the top of my head, trying to flatten the grape purple fur that had been fraying all over since I woke up that morning. God I looked stupid with my fur like that. He sat next to me, quietly watching the...

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Just Be By My Side (sonnet)

**Just Be By My Side...** As the tides of darkness flow through my heart I search for salvation to rescue thee My emotions errupt, causing the start of my desperate attempt, my love sick plea Though distance is the problem in our love, your...

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Long Distance Relationships

My hand stretches as far as it can go The muscles in my arm groaning If I could tear the fabric of the universe to do so I would, if only to hear you stop moaning The untold distance of thousands of miles Full of mountains and waters, obstacles...


Long Distance Love

When it hurts so bad, why does it feel so good? I wish this all made sense, I wish I understood. Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside, but I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try. You know how I feel about...

Part 27

long distance doesn't work for me. and you're like me. for the, thirteen years that i've known you, you don't strike me as a long distance kind of guy. which is why it amazed me that you stuck with brent for so long." "what's that supposed to mean?"

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Ballade on Leavetaking

#31 of poetry i'll be in my sixties before i'll have spent more time out of long distance relationships than in them. and that's assuming that my long distance relationships all become non-long-distance tomorrow.


Lost in The Void - Prologue

"allen, activate long distance communications array." _"long distance communications array is inoperable."_ "well get me something and fast! i don't have much time left before i am out cold!"

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Photo Shoot?

It was a dream come true for the both of them, the stress of a long distance relationship had weighed on them heavily but now that it was finally over and they were together, they couldn't be happier.

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TMF-Ep52-End of chapter-

Junko and him were in a long distance relationship, as she was modeling on the west coast but attending the same university as him.

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