The Job interview

First hand shake at a job interview so far. "howard kumin." "would you like to sit down?" he asked motioning to a chair.

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Club of Wolves (working title) ch. 3-4

Ch 3: Under my Skin Ever feel like you're not getting the whole story? RE and I followed Seph and the piano through the same door everyone but me had already come out of at some point. The hallway it led to wasn't very long, ending only a few yards...

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 113 - A long way to go

**That Sunday, Blain and I drove Sam to the train-station where we said our goodbyes when she had to go home. With a journey of six hours by train, she had a long ride ahead of her. After everything that happened throughout the week, I didn't like...

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Inner Struggle-Chapter 16-A Leap of Faith

I asked jim a few questions about job interviews, and his advice was rather shaky. he told me to "just be myself". i wondered what he meant by that phrase. to get prepared for the job interview i took a nice 18 minute shower..... alone.

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Under the Weather - Thursday Prompt Story [#15, 13/4/23]

On the thursday that this prompt was given, i had an important job interview to attend (hopeful i get the job but idk). in that job interview, i was given an info sheet to fill out, as well as a blank piece of paper.

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Blessing or a Curse

But i'll-" "i'm luke and i'm here for the job interview!" luke tried to interrupt her. "the job interview what?" the woman paused. "oh right the new exhibit!"

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Chapter I: A Drink Called Loneliness

There wasn't just one failed job interview, after all, there was a long string of them. nobody wanted to hire a dog who had held twelve jobs in two years, even if it was for simple factory or kitchen work. too unreliable, he'd been told.

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Confusion - Chapter 4, Part 1

I told him anyways and he ended up hugging me and we fell back asleep for another 3 hours, since i had to be up by 8am anyways for a job interview.

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The Minotaur's Master

When he returned home to stay with his parents for a while he found that four high schools had already sent out letters scheduling job interviews.

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Backstories: Cameron and Ivakov

They quickly became friends from talking while waiting for the job interviews, and they were both assigned to break up a weapons dealing ring led by boss guillermo.

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the dark night chp. 2

interview tomorrow" "ok can i stay the night?"

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RoKo! Chapter two: Bad beginnings

Well, there was my job interview, but that can't be, because then the hr lady should have been effected as well. wait... there was that barrel of water, but that was water. water doesn't turn you into a furry... oh, shit.

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