More Then Just a Partner
You know you could say that me and this little ol' rabbit are pretty much inseparable at this point. Of course I don't mean Judy, well at least anymore; she may not be with us but a small part of her spirit is I think, both with me and even a little...
Zootopia: Tragedy and Friendship Part. 2
#2 of zootopia series nick finds himself deciding to work with agent jack savage in a new unit that specializes in undercover infiltration and information gathering.
Zootopia: The Initiative - Chapter 6
Sure, this was her mancrush, jack savage. except, not like just the man on the screen, it turned out that man was real.
Zootopia: The Initiative - Chapter 7
"now you better wear something nicer than _that_ outfit missy, you'll probably be around a lot of celebrities and not to mention-" "jack savage! our daughter with what might be the best-known bunny in the business!
Zootopia: Tragedy and Friendship Part. 1
"jack savage, nice to meet you." nick was the first to put out his hand to greet him looking somewhat down at him.
Kill For Her
They didn't know that his cup was filled with decaf, because the last thing the world needed was jack savage high on a caffeine buzz, and that he had been alert and awake for hours already.
New Recuits
Report: case file - the savage dark reporting agent: code name - jack "savage" affiliation: unknown current whereabouts: unknown
Parting The Pack: Chapter One
Whenever he packed a dvd with a poster depicting the likes of jack savage, harrison furd, kurt roarssell, jean-claude van-hamme, or sylvester stallione, he'd reminisce on the nights he'd curl up with his redhead doe and watch one of these ambitious, yet often