Eternal Mortality: From Ronald To Ian
This is a quick overview on the leadership abilities and preferences between ronald and ian fastolf. under ronald: freedom of religion strained. "religion...
Eternal Mortality: One Last Try
The second is ian fastolf. a cold and pale furson who can ignite the fire in the souls of the populace with his honeyed words, or break the hearts of his enemies with his astonishing cruelty.
Eternal Mortality: Ian Fastolf
- ian fastolf he is one of the most shadowy public figures osa has, but he is also one of the brightest. his personality is almost impossible to decrypt, only his family members truly know his motives and reasoning.
Eternal Mortality: The Tutinian Civil War Part One
Field marshall marcus talko, a tutinian defector, and childhood friend of ian fastolf. he has been sent to oversee valtovkas entrance into the tut civil war, and at the very least secure the city of riva.