Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound

**Laelaps- Canis Major** Before I say anything, I just want you to know that I have the power to break the fourth wall. No one else does. They, despite talking to you, have no idea you exist. Some would say that I'm insane for talking to you, but I'm...

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Diarys of a Dragon Pt. 1

Anyway that's enough fourth-wall-breaking for tonight, now it's time for me to get ssssome ssssleep. (i didn't just do that, i'm not a lizard, go away.) goodnight all. -azu

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Tales from a Nerdy Wolf

I just know 12-14 reactions better than any other age's because that is when i started having my own personality, instead of a combination of my parents' also a bit of fourth wall breaking, i'm not telling where i don't look nerdy.

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Amber Silverblood Bonus Chapter 3: Valentine's Day 2015

It's valentine's day, and her secret, fourth-wall-breaking lover will be showing up any minute now!

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Writing Tips vol. 4

The author can also randomly interject in amusing fashion, which, while fourth wall breaking, can work in this kind of story. it's essentially a "voice of god" that can come in with knowledge that the characters don't know.

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The Nex Issue: My Life is Super Issue 5

A little in-universe fourth-wall breaking if you want." "damn," spider queen laughs. "don't think anyone who didn't know would've gotten that but thanks for sharing. next question." she coughs softly. "arcturus as ryan. was that always the plan?

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