Betrayal to the highest levels shattering my trust in those who I loved, why did they forsake me? His claws slammed the wall as tears flowed down his cheeks a fury that made him numb. "GOD DAMN YOU BASTARDS!!!, he screamed as a chair flew from his...
Betrayal, Finding hope, Lies, Lost, Pain, Poem, life
I am helpless in my fears, but i can find hope in them. i am a man flawed, and that can't be helped.
through looking at myself, i find a body ready to change, a soul trying to break free, and mind wondering about the possibilities.
Family, Poem, language
To some love is blind
to most affection is fine
but to me love is false,
being is a lost hope
and hope is affection
in a loveless life
what is there to hold
where does a husk
go to find hope,
where does an empty existence
Brokenness, Hate, Pain, loveless
Hand in hand we walk along the shore
stars glistening above
yet, as we walk along the water i am not looking to the heavens
for i am enraptured by you, and i am lost in your eyes
in your eyes, i find peace
in your heart, i find hope
in your soul
"'in the midst of sadness, one shall find hope for another, and that one, in turn, will find hope for another, and this is the cycle that is begetted from life and death, from death and life... when one falls, one shall rise'... my sister told me that once
Dark, Death, Hybrid, Lion, Lioness, Love, Plot Development, Rabbit, Revenge, Story Series
Kiana ran a hand across the gentle slope of her belly, drawing strength from the tiny life growing inside of her.
...then she could find hope, too!
Ander, Anthro, Clean, Fox, Novel, Story, Wolf
Kiana ran a hand across the gentle slope of her belly, drawing strength from the tiny life growing inside of her.
...then she could find hope, too!
Ander, Clean, Fox, Novel, Serial, Story, Wolf
Averin finds hope in his life and freindship of the profound.
_this is chapter four._
_i would like to point out that my story can be somewhat focused on life-instances of which almost resemble my own.
Dragon, Fighting, War, Wolf
She finds hope in the strangest place.
story written in a competition on furaffinity. approximately 1500 words.
contains mirromy - a species created by iggi on fa. oriana, the specific mirromy in this story, can be seen [here for visual reference.]
Aquatic species, Fantasy, Flash Fiction, Mirromy, Short Story
The lesson from today's diary entry is: the enemy of your enemy is always your friend, and you can find hope in even the strangest of places and times.
Death, Farm, Fox, Horror, Moon, Space, War, biography, nightmare, non-fiction
For now though, having a gun gave kai a small measure of satisfaction, it evened the playing field, and he would do anything to find hope and keep her safe.
Ninetales, Pokemon, Shapeshifting, Vulpix