Never Trust a Cat

Seven years Eruk had lived here. Seven years the ginger mouse had tempted fate. This house was not his, it was far too big for that. No, instead it belonged to a feline mistress named Mikaela. Sometimes the mouse would watch her through the cracks in...

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Wiggling Tastes Best

The ducklings, hatched a mere few days ago happily swam with their mother who was just as happily showing her newly hatched children the pond. Not far away, danger lurked as it always did. He was always around, and always ready for a snack that...

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?A Boy and His Ampharos

A boy and his ampharos warning: this story contains pokemon and soft non-fatal vore so if you dont like this thing do no read this story.

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Contains f/f, sorta-fatal vore, implied entrapment, and some existentialism. holly sat at the small diner table and smiled. the feline listened as emily told stories about their youth together.

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Surprisingly Interested

Richard prowled through the city streets, looking for his dinner. Hunting was a bit different for Richard compared to other preds. Most predators had to be at least somewhat careful, lest they run into a prey -- or group of prey -- that they...

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Clonesumables: The Micro-Sizer

Mallory coughed, her head swimming. Everything around her was a blur. She felt dizzy, too, like she was about to throw up, though the feeling was quickly dissipating. Her head throbbed, and it felt like her insides had been put through a washing...

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