*PDS* Muriel And Oscar's Snowman - 2013

Muriel's Snowman by tannim December 08, 2012 Muriel pushed on the snowball with her bare right foot, then hopped forward on the other. Snow still fell around her in large wet flakes. Her feet were cold from playing in it, but she wasn't about to...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 13

This is the final chapter of the story. If you've read this far... I give you a cookie! Comments appreciated, so tell me what you thought of it =D Chapter 13 Their new home was finished in about a week and a half, and shortly...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 She awoke with a huge headache, more massive than she had ever had in her life. She groaned out loudly in pain as the back of her head throbbed with her heart. She managed to open her eyes, and the first thing that she...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Three months had passed. Three long, agonizing months since that horrible day. The two young charmanders had been forced to learn on the spot how to survive on their own. They continued wandering from place to place,...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Drek felt a lump in his throat. His sister was nowhere in sight, and he had no idea where she was. What happened to her? Was she hurt? Why hadn't he been there for her? He had let his excitement permeate his...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 7

Chapter 7 The morning sun slowly rose, illuminating the once darkened land. The tiny droplets of dew that had collected on the surrounding foliage glistened with each ray of golden light. The sparkling moisture lit up a shimmering path...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Innocent laughter could be heard echoing through the forest. Rapid footsteps echoed playfully through the trees followed by more giggling and shouting. The butterfree in the area flew overhead surveying the source of the...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Dacus laughed as he was reminded of that morning so long ago. He said, "I won't lie; that was one of the best mornings I've ever had, heh." Leanna smiled innocently and nuzzled his cheek playfully. "Well, I do have a...

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Family Bonds: A TwoKinds Fanfic

Back story: While the story advances in the comic "Twokinds" Flora's sister, Serana, searches for her sister and runs from her former captors that she believes was kidnapped by the "evil" Trace Legacy. She searches with the help of a cursed human, his...

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 52: Wolves of the Pack

Since wolves have a tight familial bond, wolves living far from their families usually form impromptu packs with other wolves despite having no blood relations.

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The aqua portal-part 6

Nothing would break them apart by their family bond. the end

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 22: For a Piece of Bread

Kevin would be glad of this tight familial bond did he have a healthy family, but now, he wished he could just let it go. he wished he could just go away and leave them to build his own life.

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