Eon's Story: chapter three

Today was it, Eon had left the orphanage. Speaking to no one he'd run north, following the footsteps that were 17 years old. Today Eon would be following the past to unearth his own. Holding a compus in one paw he'd keep north, there was a town, a...

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Chapter 05

"HEY! FURS!" The bus driver woudl be at the back of the bus, " We're at your stop." He'd grumble walking back to the drivers seat. "Man... what's got his shorts in a twist?" Lumen would yawn as Eon woudl strech a little as he'd grab his bag, making...

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Eon's Story: chapter two

--17 years later-- "Eon? Hunny? Have you finished the chores?" The woman that found the pup would be washing the dishes from the latest meal, it was no easy task since she had to clean the dishes for all the childeren in the orphanage. But the Fusky...

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Eon's Story: Chapter one

Up in the alaskain forrest a fox would be fleeing, running. from human hunters, and their canine companions. howls and barks could be herd and the fox would flee running threw the trees. She was a female, a young beautiful vixen. Her coat was clean an...

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Chapter 04

Eon's plan to leave the next day was cut short. looking face-to-face with Lumen asking him why the wolf had destroied his compus. The wolf would keep cool, and shrug like it wasn't important, "Because I knoe this place, no... this state like the back...

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