#1 of spellbound (wildehopps enchanted au)
once upon a time, in
a magical kingdom known as fantasia,
there lived an evil queen.
AU, Disney, Enchanted AU, Fox, JudyHopps, Love, NickWilde, Rabbit, Romance, WildeHopps
#3 of spellbound (wildehopps enchanted au)
judy awoke to the sound of loud giggling, confused and blurry eyes the bunny sat up in bed and yawned.
Disney, Disney AU, Enchanted AU, Fox, JudyHopps, Love, NickWilde, Rabbit, Romance, Wildehopps AU
#2 of spellbound (wildehopps enchanted au)
"i'm getting married!" nick yelled aloud, his tail swishing in excitement. it was already the next day, and as promised he was to get wedded that morning to the princess he met just the other night.
Disney, Disney AU, Enchanted AU, Fox, JudyHopps, Love, NickWilde, Rabbit, Romance, Wildehopps AU