A trade Commission-The most painful things happen to the innocent ones

The dark presence challenged letting out a harsh laugh taking that moment to burst through the bushes making a flying leap at sierra.

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Yelmi Chapter 6 "Yelmi's Destiny"

Gondau was about to step out of the cage, he didn't like what he was feeling, a dark presence overlooked everyone. "don't you dare think of leaving, we have a match to finish!" he stepped closer as gondau pulled at the door.


Ezreal's Journey.txt

Now he could go and he started to run towards the gates as he felt the dark presence faded away, the stared to feel so light ezreal arrived in the dark moor. soon he appeared in a light and beautiful place.

Dragon Wars 1

She felt a dark presence approaching. she shuddered in unimaginable fear as she said "no... not... demonic sith soldiers...!!" she grabbed all of the force gems and put them in hers and mine as she grabbed the cubes and ran to my direction.

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The Chest

A dark presence fell over me, but i paid no mind to it. i walked over to the chest, and knelt down to unlock it. when i picked up the lock i saw something on the chest. i dusted it off, and saw some strange letters.


The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 2: Bittersweet Memories

He felt his limns grow a little numb and he felt a dark presence manifest inside of him. what was going on? why was this happening? what had that creature done to him in the forest?! something was horribly wrong!

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Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 1 - The Twin Sally's

The dark presence of the goddess' palace was missing from the scene but it's carcass was still there, strewn across the scorched earth like a fallen giant.

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The Big Sister Part Eight: Adriana Unleashed!

Some sort of dark presence. "you wanted me to show you my magic alicia, whelp now you get a taste" adriana said as she smirked fiendishly.

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A Drop in the Pool

A dark presence was in his mind and it was slowly tearing him apart.

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The Charred Legacy - Chapter 2 -

I sense a dark presence... something evil... i don't understand much but i beg you turn back..."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 15

The dark presence could no longer think straight, one more chaos settled upon their combined souls.

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 23

Spyro sighed, feeling the area for vale's dark presence before looking back up at cal guiltily.

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