Writing Exercise - Vivid Dream

I had a really vivid dream last night about a fox living in a brick and mortar apartment, feeling lonely. i am rusty as all hell, have not written anything in a long time and often don't like my writing.

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The Book of Sins, Chapter 2. The Mad-Dog

My home of brick and mortar is, in my mind's eye, dashed with the ethereal grey-blue glow of stars and moons, and although i am silent (for years of warring had quelled my ancestor's call through necessity) i still hear the howls in my head.

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Fluffy Destruction

Strands of fur that would have brushed harmlessly against brick and mortar instead tore through the structures like a slightly-softened wrecking ball and sent showers of gouged out debris raining down on the streets in its wake.

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Inheritence -Chapter 2-

I passed the holy trinity church, a squat, brick and mortar building, the click of my boots on concrete following me. i couldn't see the cathedral from my current vantage, i guess it was hidden by the buildings around me. it was nice.

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Fyrebrand Cafe

For starters, the small place looked more like a pub than a café what with the brick and mortar look it possessed. he looked at the sign to the side of it. fyrebrand café? mel blinked, scratching his chin in confusion.

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Getting Better

The features of a large building built of bricks and mortar comes to view as arthur turns the corner, the signs marked 'hospital' pointing squarely towards the building.

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"A Stonewall Story" - Chapter one

I finally reached my destination, a bar sandwiched between two adjacent buildings constructed of brick and mortar at the foundation and concrete as the floors ascend.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1

_ radio static echoed in his comm-piece as he hurdled over a partially broken down wall of brick and mortar, cutting sharply on his heels to gun down an entire row of troops who were manning a forward gun station.

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The Argonian Chronicles: Rising of a Storm Part 1

brick and mortar exploded, tumbling down the stairs. blood flowed from a gash in a guard's head who was unlucky enough to be in that spot. he sat up just as the dragons head appeared in the hole, releasing a stream of flames into the stairwell.

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The Hunter and The Rift: Chapter One

The walls around me are old brick and mortar houses, from within they brim with heat, company, laughter and good food. from outside, however, underneath the smoggy sky born of industry, they are as cold as a crypt.

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Chapter 3: Back to school

The two tigers walked in silence for a little while, they turned through the side gate and walked to a wall they often leant against watching others and communing with their friends, there wasn't anything special about the wall, simple bricks and mortar

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"The Thin Line," Part T

The shopkeepers untied their tarpaulins, the morning parade resumed, and except where lightning had struck the royal palace, sending some bricks and mortar to the ground, the court and society seemed to be resuming their normal routine.

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