
"I thought I told you that enough was enough there dragon," A cool voice stated flatly. The dragon the voice was aimed at just shrugged and kept on doing what he was doing, seemingly uncaring of the consequences as he strode along the street with a bag...

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681 Gratuitous Tentacles

When you start to bend reality enough, the lesser vegetation of the other side starts to work its way through and that's it right over there. if you have tentacles of your own, you can bend things!"

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Star Memory

reality to her very will._ _ the five warriors were incredibly powerful.

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Pelten's Journal: Of Sources and Demons

It was a newborn child with a chilling voice that robbed our own speech and kept our eyes wide, a child with the power to bend reality around it, a newborn with a curiosity of the world that was as powerful as its desire to grow and absorb life.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 16- Hidden Thoughts

He thinks we can bend reality to our will at a given command of our cleared minds. his words, not mine." "he's trying so hard to sound like he knows all the answers, i've noticed," lukan remarked. aero nodded.

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"BLEU" - Thingy

As a note about my understanding, creativity and imaginations allowed one to bend reality by art.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 46

This so called party was a strain on the will, all this pretending, all this acting and lies, it was too much for him, he never was good when it came to bending reality to begin with and this so called party strained his already weak limits to their brink.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 10

While entirely normal, seeing volteer in such a state was like bending reality, an active dragon that spurts words faster than his eyes can blink now looked completely mundane. dressed in casualty volteer was practically alien.

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Final Countdown

Sheer force of will bends reality another time: the charges trigger, their destructive force unfolding in slow motion - a boon considering the lower pylons still need to be severed.

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