The Field Mission

#1 of baldur's gate - snapper's tale baldur's gate is wholly owned by its developers and producers. snapper's tale is a work of fanfiction. gorion, a librarian and archivist, is dragged along onto a field mission that he wants nothing to do with.

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Vargothen's Origins

In time, he brought great anger from baldur's gate, daggerford, neverwinter, and amn.

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All Grown Up

#3 of baldur's gate - snapper's tale baldur's gate is wholly owned by its developers and producers. snapper's tale is a work of fanfiction. everyone has to grow up sometime. leave the nest.


Games list as of 5/20/2014

gate dark cloud dark cloud 2 digimon data squad disgaea: hour of darkness disgaea 2: cursed memories dragon quarter: breath of fire dragon rage drakengard drakengard 2 druaga: fushigani dungeon dynasty warriors 3 dynasty warriors 3

[SCRAP] Tangling With A Twisted Angel

An example of how dialogue could work in a game i end up writing for; this is in the manner of fixed trees, that progress the conversation--somewhat like bioware rpgs like baldur's gate, planescape torment, or dragon age possess.

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The Next Morning

#5 of baldur's gate - snapper's tale baldur's gate is wholly owned by its developers and producers. snapper's tale is a work of fanfiction. was it all just a dream? no, it was definitely real. which may be even worse.

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Trials, Tribulations, and Cookies

#2 of baldur's gate - snapper's tale baldur's gate is wholly owned by its developers and producers. snapper's tale is a work of fanfiction. growing up is hard. especially when you don't fit in.

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First and Last

#4 of baldur's gate - snapper's tale baldur's gate is wholly owned by its developers and producers. snapper's tale is a work of fanfiction. sometimes leaving home can be harder than you think.

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Warm Up | 23 - Lost Then Found

And yes i brought cho into the main canon because i love my dragonborn <3 he looks so done with shit in my baldur's gate 3 screenshots. enjoy!

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