
ark ship... "cassie. the expert system, right? i ... i am on an ark ship?" "you remember, that is good! you are on board of the phoenix. to be precise, iam no longer just the expert system that supervised your deep hibernation.

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Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark

This ark ship was never designed to carry living human inhabitants over a distance of more than two hundred light years.

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Heroes of Alteria Chapter 3: Kiren Escape

"well then proceed with the ark ship disabler then." "well sir that's the problem. we scanned the ship and found three life signatures. a wolf, rabbit and an undefined one." "that's odd . . . are they using some kind of masking device?" "no sir!

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Starborne: New Beginnings - Swan Song

This was reflected in the public outreach campaigns the initiative undertook when it was newly founded - trying to sway public opinion in favour of a plan to save mankind by sending an ark ship to a new world where a new beginning would await the brave pioneers

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